Nightly Inventory
Worry is a seemingly non-stop thought process that creates increased pressure and stress for many of us. But we still do it! Have we ever paused and reflected on why we worry? What, if any, are the benefits of worrying? How does the act (behavior) of worry impact our well-being, our relationships or, our state of mind?
Asking questions, such as the one’s above, can help to shed some light into the effects of our actions, emotions, and thoughts. What would it be like if we paused and reflected on our day? Would we understand situations differently if we constructively reflect? I believe that we would. In fact, I believe that we would experience the situation and ourselves in the situation quite differently. We may reduce the pressure that we place on ourselves. In addition, we may develop clarity into the circumstance in such a manner that we can develop alternative options.
Below is an exercise that I refer to as the Nightly Inventory. It is simple in structure, as well as in application. I recommend trying to review every night until it becomes comfortable enough to process in your head.