Opus Cum Sui

Working with the Self

A system is flowing—working with all of its parts, while simultaneously, the parts are working, or interacting on, and with, other parts of the system. This is the premise for Opus Cum Sui, Working with the Self.

Everything within a system is specifically designed for that system, i.e an ecological area. By principle, everything within the system has a purpose and is essential. Argo, every thought, every emotion, every feeling, sensation, response (behavior) is essential.

When the focal point is a person, e.g. a mother or father, everything within the system [subsystems, e.g. cognitions, memories, and emotions] and everything that is acting on the focal system (and that the system it is acting on) [suprasystem, e.g. children, co-worker’s, financial responsibilities, or societal norms] is necessary for the system to operate at an optimal level. Opus Cum Sui applies this concept to the person, complete with cognitive techniques and analysis to formulate a deeper self-knowledge designed to promote wellness of focus through emotional attunement.

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Systems are Interconnected, Interrelated, Interdependent

Learning to work with your system, learning to work with the self (Opus cum sui) will help to connect internally on a micro level that should, by principle, connect with mezzo level (social environment) and macro level (the Earth/conditions/universe) seamlessly. This is similar to the concept of Wu Wei, “effortless action”.

The Buddha states that “All is an illusion”, which means that our emotional reasoning (thoughts) kick us out the natural system of life and creates an illusionary mental state of reality, e.g. ruminations. This is the ultimate disconnection, which influences mood, concentration, and relationships.

We are placed at a disadvantage when we solely focus externally for solutions. Many do not know, or perhaps feel comfortable enough to look within for the answers. Therefore, many may hesitate, and when there is an attempt, the experience is too odd (due to inexperience) that we jump out and deploy avoidant and distraction strategies. However, the solution is, and has been, always within us. And, if you really take a moment, you will agree that you usually know what is best, for you.

Learning about, and learning to work with our-self, can help to reduce internal stressors, while generating clarity within that can assist us as we act on, and with, our environment, whether it be at home or in the world.

Photo by Richard Jaimes on Unsplash