Find your rock and learn to explore the object
Nowadays, people are primed to think. As such, the beginnings of meditation can be difficult for people. The mind is always going—hard to slow down. The mindset behind Opus Cum Sui is simply to work with your-self. If prone to think first, let us use our mind to slow down by using old tricks such as, behavioral conditioning and thinking, to our advantage.
I like rocks. All sorts of rocks. I pick them up whenever I go. A quick analysis: childhood and freedom to explore the environment. I learned that it is okay to pick stuff up and explore. So, I still do. Rocks are cool. The Earth is cool. In sessions, I will give people rocks to help them to learn to recenter.
Find your rock and learn to explore the object, well. Take a minute. A strong minute, and feel your body connect to the object, the rock. Is it hard? Is it heavy? Is it cold? What does cold feel like? Where do I feel the cold? Breathe into the cold area, and connect. As we connect, briefly we experience the self-connection, sui. Self-connection is experienced when meditating, or the feeling experience when you are transitioning into sleep, but still somehow consciously aware—a releasing.
Take a moment and reconnect today. Use an object, such as a cup of tea or the top of a table… if it is boring, great! Move around the cup or the table until you feel something different, and connect to the feeling—ask and inquire. Be inquisitive, be in the moment and be in-yourself differently with a reflective breath or two. Smile.