Truth perceived gives assurance.
Skill yields self-reliance.
With courage, we can defy danger.
To increase power, increase humility.”
~Deng Ming Dao, 1992
Without knowing our-self,
We cannot have a
Balanced stance
In Life.
Opus Cum Sui (Working with the self), will not guarantee happiness. It is a method that will help you reduce the mind-chatter, that creates stress—afflicting the body, mind, relationships (where we practice humility), and yes, happiness.
So, as you breathe-in, become aware where your mind leads you and welcome the connection. Acknowledging the connection through gratitude creates an anchoring effect, which promotes true internal security. When internal security is met, the perceived need for a defense strategy (coping skill, mechanism, technique, etc.) is no longer necessary, allowing for true self to be present—accepting, forgiving, and humble.