Setting a foundation for self-awareness and self-attunement

Changing the way we experience ourself, changes the way we interpret the external experience.

I continue to witness people, including myself, operating on overdrive. Generating increased taxation on their minds. Learning to check in with ourselves allows for a smoother experience mentally while processing a situation, or a perceived problem. The possible residual effects, such as focus (immediate result) or confidence and self-assurance, can be life changing—changing the way we experience ourself, changes the way we interpret the external experience.

Step 1: Attune
Begin to recognize your connection with yourself in the environment. In the morning, or a time that may be calmer, find yourself sitting with a cup of tea, or perhaps coffee, and begin to notice the warmth of the cup or the smell. Acknowledge the feeling, acknowledging what is commonly referred to as, “’it’ was like…”, and reflect. Reflecting on the experience, whether “it” be the taste or the smell, begin to breathe in… and breathe out with your thought-reflection. Blending it all as one.

Setting a foundation for self-awareness and self-attunement.

Sean Travis

Over the years, I have experienced remarkable people sit with me and detail deep, meaningful memories. In many cases, these memories are attached to strong emotions which may distort the person's perception of themselves. I firmly believe that any person who makes a conscious decision to engage in therapy demonstrates strength. Time after time, I have witnessed these same people recognize the resiliency within themselves—that has always been there!

Foundation steps


Opus Cum Sui—Working with Self