Let Go of the Rock

Sean Travis+LCSW+Therapist+Princeton+New Jersey+Fear+Healing

“Everything serves a purpose. The same thing does not serve every purpose.”

There was once a person who was walking within the wilderness, and as they came across a clearing, they were confronted by a bear. In this moment of fear, they glanced down and spotted a large rock and picked it up to protect. The bear postured, and then lunged, and the rock was used.

Later in the evening, the person placed the same rock around their fire to protect them from the flames as they slept.

In the morning, as they ventured out and were walking, they placed the rock on top of larger stacked boulders to reach a higher ground, and thus, a higher vantage point with which to view the valley below.

Later in the day, the person came across a stream. With their rock securely packed away, they entered the stream, as there was no immediate way in their charted path to diverge from the course. As they entered the stream, the waters were strong with current and the rocks were slippery affecting the ability to maintain stability. The person slipped, fell, and could not get up for the rock pinned them to the bottom of the bed. Panic stricken, the person paused in thought. The decision was made to let go—removing the pack, with the rock inside, allowing the person to slip out.

In our days, there are things that we will come across and use for our advantage. Use them, for there is purpose. Once the quest or goal is accomplished, learn to let go of with gratitude. This will free you and allow you to see, or be open to, more things to use along your way.

Everything serves a purpose.

The same thing does not serve every purpose.

Sean Travis

Over the years, I have experienced remarkable people sit with me and detail deep, meaningful memories. In many cases, these memories are attached to strong emotions which may distort the person's perception of themselves. I firmly believe that any person who makes a conscious decision to engage in therapy demonstrates strength. Time after time, I have witnessed these same people recognize the resiliency within themselves—that has always been there!


If we tune into ourselves just a little, we will see that we are synchronizing with everything and everyone all of the time. Turn yourself on and know that you did!